Exercise Music Shirt
For my second project, I made a wearable in the form of a shirt that plays music whenever the user moves/exercises. The shirt features a FLORA accelerometer sensor that has been sewn to the chest area. The sensor is then connected to the duct taped breadboard which holds an Arduino Nano. The Nano also has a speaker connected to it. Finally, to supply power, I used a 9 volt battery with a connector for ground and power. I was going to add some sort of pouch, or at least a switch to turn on and off the device, preventing the need the plug and unplug the battery for every use, but that was more of a stretch goal. Also, as mentioned before, I attempted to sew, but mostly failed and used lots of tape. Although that was also because I could not see a way to sew the whole breadboard securely. The only successfully sewn portion is the sensor, mostly because it is meant to be sewn through its holes. In terms of the software, I used the toneAC library for better sound control than the native...